What are your auditors demanding regarding to your future sustainability reporting requirements?

Some of my clients are confused! During the annual financial statement process, the auditors warned of the coming sustainability reporting obligation for many larger companies and asked management to prepare for it. In fact, many large companies are required to prepare a sustainability report in accordance with the EU Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD) for the… Continue reading What are your auditors demanding regarding to your future sustainability reporting requirements?

Don’t wait, start acting now

The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is an unstoppable change that will have a lasting impact on the corporate landscape. This directive is ground-breaking because it calls on companies to take responsibility and firmly integrate sustainability into their business practices. Despite the concerns and the effort involved, it also opens immense opportunities for your… Continue reading Don’t wait, start acting now

Do the sustainability check

It strikes me that many medium-sized and family businesses in the agri-business hardly report at all about their commitment to sustainability. That should change because: On the one hand, the legal framework for sustainable management is continuously tightening for more and more companies. On the other hand, more and more people in the company and… Continue reading Do the sustainability check

Retaining and attracting talents and specialists: One of the greatest challenges for medium-sized companies in the agricultural and food industry

A special characteristic of sustainable management is when companies manage to retain the required specialists or recruit new ones. The scientific work of Anna Wangerow. “Employer competition in the food industry” (2021, University of Göttingen) documents precisely that, compared to the economy as a whole, medium-sized companies in the food industry are finding it more… Continue reading Retaining and attracting talents and specialists: One of the greatest challenges for medium-sized companies in the agricultural and food industry

Coaching as a sustainable approach to better cope with challenges in work and private life: Kuestenlichter-Coaches (Coast Lights) help

One of the approaches in working with my corporate clients is coaching. When dealing with challenges such as growth projects, mergers, changes in culture to increase attractiveness for specialists or towards more sustainable management, I like to use individual coaching to support the people involved. Most of the time, this coaching is embedded in implementation… Continue reading Coaching as a sustainable approach to better cope with challenges in work and private life: Kuestenlichter-Coaches (Coast Lights) help

Perspectives on sustainable management: Your newsletter is coming soon

Torsten Spill

Now back again: After a longer break, my new newsletter in German will be published soon. If you want to know how medium-sized companies in the agricultural and food industry can do business more sustainably without overloading their own management capacities, then you should subscribe to the newsletter. If you want to know how small… Continue reading Perspectives on sustainable management: Your newsletter is coming soon

Sustainability at Fruit Logistica: What is behind it?


During the tour and visits to stands at Fruit Logistica, I was pleased to see that more and more companies in the fruit and vegetable industry are becoming aware of their responsibility for our world. Some stands are already advertising the sustainability of their actions. On request, the very committed stand employees provided information on… Continue reading Sustainability at Fruit Logistica: What is behind it?

We’ll just wait and see: Postpone sustainable management until Saint-Never’s Day?

Become more sustainable with Torsten Spill

There are enough reasons to take care of the changes in your own company now to operate more sustainably. They would be: ■ be prepared at an early stage for new sustainability demands from customers and society ■ meet and implement new legal requirements (Supply Chain Due Diligence Act in Germany, EU-CSRD) ■ Create synergies… Continue reading We’ll just wait and see: Postpone sustainable management until Saint-Never’s Day?

A look at 2023 at the end of a year of upheaval

Torsten Spill

A very complex year is coming to an end. For many of us, including me, 2022 was a year of unexpected upheaval. Already in January, many people from the agri-business, who used to be involved in business with the Russian Federation, felt great concern about the Russian troop deployments on the borders with Ukraine. I… Continue reading A look at 2023 at the end of a year of upheaval

Perspectives on sustainable management: Your newsletter is coming soon

Torsten Spill

In my last newsletter I reported on strategy development projects in the agricultural and food industry. In addition to the current crises caused by energy prices, inflation and the war in Ukraine, the medium-sized companies in the industry are concerned with two key issues:   The lack of professionals and experts for the implementation of… Continue reading Perspectives on sustainable management: Your newsletter is coming soon