” Growing organically means organizing yourself harmoniously.”

Multitude of people united to form an arrow. 3D Rendering

… said the Swiss writer and entrepreneur Kurt Guggenheim. That is my experience too. If you as a management team concentrate fully on achieving your growth targets, you run the risk of overwhelming your employees and business partners. Do it differently: Before you embark on the implementation of the measures for business expansion, for example… Continue reading ” Growing organically means organizing yourself harmoniously.”

“Success is only achieved by doing something while waiting for success.”

… once said Thomas Alva Edison. A big step in preparation for my self-employment as a coach for organizational growth from March 2021 onwards has been completed: My homepage is ready and activated. If you would like to find out more about my services for accompanying your company growth, click on https://torsten-spill.de/en . Do not… Continue reading “Success is only achieved by doing something while waiting for success.”