You can never solve problems with the same way of thinking that created them.
(Albert Einstein)
We will either find a way or make one.
It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that responds most quickly to change.
(Charles Darvin)
Become future resilient. Goals

How do I win the hearts and minds of everyone involved to go new, previously unknown paths? This sentence describes the essence of my work as a strategy coach. Especially in these times, everyone is challenged to sustainable change. The expectations placed on companies are constantly increasing. Employees, customers, partners, society and many others want companies to take on even more responsibility. Strategies have to be developed and implemented sustainably to ensure the long-term survival of the business. I advise and accompany you in preparing and driving these changes.


The tasks of companies and the demands on managers and their employees have increased exponentially in the recent past. They continue to rise. The challenges are also becoming more complex and multi-layered. The reaction time that managers have is also decreasing as more crises occur.

In addition, they have to keep an eye on the constantly emerging legal and social demands, especially on sustainable management.

The mass and rapid pace of change can overwhelm management and staff. They can put a heavy strain on the organisation as a whole and on the working ability of certain teams in particular. In the worst case, meaningful structural changes and strategic considerations are not introduced in time. This can lead to problems in the value chain. The core business comes under pressure. If the shortage of skilled personnel becomes also effective, it seems that new ways may not even be implemented because employees are missing.

As a certified organisational developer and coach, I support my clients in developing and sustainably implementing strategies to cope with this change.

During our collaboration, we first go into your individual situation: As an organization, as a team, as a person. Together we look at your corporate DNA and define goals that you want to achieve by implementing a strategy.

Then, if necessary, you define new guiding principles. The mission and goals of your company or individual divisions as well as your very personal ideals are also put to a check-up. In the course of my consultation, it is then in place: A strategy that will make you and your organization fit for the future.

If you wish, I will support you in implementing the measures that have been decided upon once you have defined your strategy. I will help you to think and act more in terms of value chains. In addition, I would be happy to show you how you can deepen and strengthen the bond with your staff and your partners in the long term.

Torsten Spill

As a certified organizational developer, I stimulate finding processes for new values, missions and goals and structure your strategy development process. To ensure that the people in your company are strengthened to go through the change, I accompany them as a coach in the implementation of planned changes.


In structured discussions, workshops and anonymous surveys, I will show you ways to better retain specialists and find new ones more easily. Together we identify all areas in which implementation decisions are made. The path to more sustainable management needs to be well prepared.

Changes of and in organizations require good preparation through strong strategies, for example:


  • Precise definition and joint reflection of the desired state
  • Preparation and structuring of the strategy development process; Implementation through stringent moderation and documentation
  • Identification through participation: Staffing of the strategy working groups with participants from management, delegated employees and, if possible, close business partners


I would be happy to discuss my working methods in a non-binding introductory meeting.

How can companies start to operate more sustainably? As a strategic coach, I support you in defining this path, going it and later implementing it together with your team. Start-up activities of this may include:

  • Definition of your concept of sustainability in your specific context
  • Actual analysis of your organization’s management regarding sustainability using a checklist
  • Development of a sustainability strategy based on double materiality
  • Accompaniment up to your CSRD-Sustainability Report, to the certificate of the ZNU standard for sustainable management or e.g. up to your declaration of the German Sustainability Code or another sustainability assessment
  • After the successful establishment of a sustainability strategy, I am available to small and medium-sized companies as an external sustainability manager

Would you like to know more about the topic of “sustainable management”? Download my brochure in German “Becoming more sustainable“!

There is not the one path to sustainable change, but together we will find the best way for you to get there.

Coaching is a person-centred support and consultation process based on a concept. Therefore, my coaching offer is always based on your needs and the requirements with a view to the people involved.

Through conversations at eye level, I encourage you to increase your self-reflection by using questioning techniques and other methods that are individually adapted to you. I support my clients with individual coaching of people in charge and decision-makers in overcoming the challenges.

As part of the coaching, you will learn to reassess your challenges and problems from other perspectives and decide on measures for yourself that you would not have explored on your own.

The shortage of skilled professionals is affecting more and more medium-sized companies. External support from experts can help to bind specialists to your company in the long term. In cooperation with the freelance HR consultant Andreas Hümpel (ALMA-Vesta GmbH), I will help you to get closer to this goal. Together we can increase your attractiveness as an employer, for example by:


  • Determination of your employer value through structured interviews or surveys
  • Development of strategies and measures for ways to become a more attractive employer
  • Creation of an employer branding concept based on your desired employer value, if necessary support of the implementation with partner agencies
  • Search and integration of new specialists


Would you like to find out more about what we offer in this area? Download our brochure in German Increasing Employer Value.


I see myself as a strategy coach and accompany my clients at eye level. My goal is to ensure that strategies, once developed, are implemented sustainably. This can often be hindered by the people themselves, new complexities due to the sustainability requirements of society or the shortage of skilled professionals in the market. I am comprehensively trained for these topics and am also happy to pass on my experience as a successful manager of many years. I advise companies and private individuals in all sectors. My focus is on growth as well as sustainable management in medium-sized (family) businesses.

Torsten Spill
  • Certified systemic coach and process facilitator
  • Certificate training as a systemic consultant for organisational development and extensive experience in implementation projects of often drastic changes
  • certified ZNU sustainability manager and -auditor, auditor for environmental- (ISO 14001) and energy- (ISO 50001) management systems 
  • 30 years of experience as an executive in middle and upper management of companies in the food industry and food trade
  • 14 years of experience as CEO in major companies in the agri-food sector, therefore a distinctive way of thinking in value chains
  • Diploma in business mathematics

I am convinced that everyone, especially medium-sized companies, are challenged in today’s times to realign themselves and to transform holistically. In addition to ensuring economic success, companies must also become more sustainable and more attractive to people.

  • Member of a cooperation community of like-minded freelance business consultants, thus having access to additional consulting capacities for larger projects
  • Offer of individual coaching for private persons, farming families and entrepreneurs through Küstenlichter Coaches, a network of coaches in Northern Germany
  • Pool member of Deutsche Interim AG as interim sustainability officer
  • Offer of solutions against the shortage of skilled professionals in cooperation with the freelance personnel consultant Andreas Hümpel from ALMA-Vesta
  • Anastasios Papadopoulos, Managing Partner of ExPa-Frucht GmbH, Ottobrunn near Munich: “Our customers and our business are often the focus of our attention. In Torsten Spill, we have a strategic companion who inspires us to go beyond our day-to-day business and explore paths that will take ExPa-Frucht strategically forward.”

  • Christian Gaisböck, Managing Partner of MFG Deutsche Saatgut GmbH, Berlin: “I can only recommend working with Torsten Spill as a coach for strategy development processes to every entrepreneur. The decisive factor for the success of new strategies in our company was that we were able to initiate a sustainable change process through Mr. Spill. Through his stringent but emphatic moderation, the involvement of all contributors and his structuring, it was possible to decide on implementation-oriented strategies that are now being introduced piece by piece in the company.”
  • Andrea R., child day-care center supervisor at ‘Elbkinder Vereinigung Hamburger Kitas gGmbH’: “By the coaching with Mr. Spill, I was able to reassess my professional situation in such a way that I am again motivated and committed to fulfilling my responsibilities. In the process I have learned how to cope with demands and stresses as a manager in every day’s professional life in such a way that I am not overstraining my resources. This has made me also a much happier person in my private life. “
  • Leo von Kameke, managing partner of the Solana Group: “Torsten Spill has had a decisive influence on our company as managing director and CEO. Thanks to his team-oriented, motivating leadership and his commitment to customers and markets, the business activities of the international Solana Group have more than doubled. “

Member of German Coaching Association (Deutsche Coaching Verband e.V.)

German Agribusiness Alliance

Certified by

Coaching aetk


trained by ZNU

Consultant partner of



Please contact me if you have any questions about my offer or if you need further information. offer you a free initial video conference call. You can reach me by email or phone in my office in Osterberg. There is also a coaching room available for concentrated work together.