In my German newsletter I made it clear how groundbreaking I think the agreement of the Future Commission for Agriculture (FCA) is. The representatives of all groups relevant to our agriculture and food system have developed a common understanding of what will have to be changed over the next 10 years. My conversations over the last few weeks have shown me that not all players in the agricultural business have recognized this.
The FCA has already written down the government program on agriculture and nutrition for the new federal government. In the result paper of the explorations by the Social Democrats (SPD,) Greens and Liberals (FDP) of October 15, you can read on page 4 about the goals of agricultural and food policy. The text shows that it was copied from the FCA!
Dear entrepreneurs in medium-sized agricultural business: Be prepared now that much more far-reaching changes will be required in your company to be able to follow the social trend.
I will accompany you if you want to convert your company to sustainable management to avoid unexpected risks. Feel free to contact me at , I will call you back immediately.