School lab exploring new methods of plant breeding

Medium-sized plant breeders: German FCA believes in pioneering importance of this industry

I have already reported in detail on the radical results of the German Future Commission for Agriculture (FCA). I am convinced that the new federal government will follow most of the Commission’s demands and recommendations.


The statements of the FCA about plant breeding are clear: the Commission sees new climate-adapted, robust, high-yielding varieties of as many crop species as possible with the lowest possible nutrient requirements as the main key to a successful conversion to sustainable agriculture. The FCA unanimously attaches great importance to small and medium-sized plant breeding companies and calls on politicians to promote and protect them. You can read here what exactly the technical requirements are and how companies in the industry can meet these challenges from my point of view:


The technical requirements of the ZKL, which concern plant breeding, are:

  • Conversion of arable land to grassland
  • Increased use of mixed crops, catch and undersown crops
  • Incentives for diverse crop rotations and mixed crops with cultivation breaks of decent length required from a phytosanitary point of view
  • Breeding and cultivation of varieties more resistant to pests
  • not fundamentally rule out new techniques for the targeted modification of the genome
  • Use and promotion of Paludi cultures


I have summarized the statements of the FCA on plant breeding here in a document, which is in German (sorry).


As an entrepreneur, despite the pressure on medium-sized companies in recent years, I would be counting on the new federal government to launch many more new funding programs in research and sales for plant breeders. An even more active commitment to projects in the area of catch and undersown crops and the introduction of the company’s own existing plant varieties into concepts for mixed cultures are required.


I would start remodeling my plant breeding company or my seed trade now at the latest with a view to the changes that are emerging in our agriculture, e.g. through…

  • Reviewing my existing varieties of plant species that can be incorporated into cover crop or cover crop mixes
  • Initiative of research and breeding projects in the field of permanent vegetation, catch and undersown crops
  • Developing sustainable farming solutions beyond just selling genetics and seeds
  • Checking and emphasizing low-input capabilities of the existing own variety portfolio, changing the breeding focus in the direction of lower nutrient requirements
  • Training and further education of employees in sales and production in the areas of sustainability, organic farming and biodiversity
  • More concentration of breeding and distribution activities on organic farming as a source of new learning
  • Coaching of responsible persons with many years of successful experience


When reading the FCA report, these are thoughts that come to my mind immediately. In the last few months I have been able to support plant breeding companies and seed dealers in developing strategies for the new era. New partnerships with other sectors, such as the fertilizer industry and agricultural trade, are becoming necessary. Managers who have been successful for many years will often have to completely change their way of thinking.


I would be happy to accompany you if you want to strategically put your plant breeding company on a new footing. I am at your disposal for a non-binding conversation (make an appointment with me directly on 0172/2898877).